Friday, October 5, 2012

Love these kind of days

Ahhhhhh! A do nothing day. I love do nothing days. Days where you well, do nothing. Really I don't think that really happens 'cause we all know that there is never a " do nothing day". Something always has to get done. But it is nice to play pretend and do nothing.
A day where hair is not washed, comfy clothes are thrown on, ( not a big change from jammies ).

Dishes sitting by the sink waiting to get done. ( Remember it's a pretend " do nothing day", they will eventually get done.)

Beading with Bug and her friend Angel hair.( Girl has the whitest most angelic face and hair ever).

Trying to catch up on a manual I want to read and start lessons on. ( Not getting far.)

Read your favorite blogs. Love this blog. I'm totally obsessed about it. She keeps it real. We are like best friends ( she does not know that yet hahaha.) On a side note about blogs, (sorry, just popped into my head and if you know me lots of things pop in and then out just as quick, so I have to write it down.) I wish someone would post a blog post about what kids are really like. We see so many pictures of perfect kids on blogs, happy, playing nice with their siblings. I think I'm going to post pictures of the real deal. Walking in from school, grumpy, tired, hungry. Then maybe a smile here and there, then on to the tantrums, sassyness and down right Mr. Hyde. Then dinner, Ahhh no one eating anything. Hating what was made for dinner, mom forcing the kids to eat, everyone trying to cajole the little one to take one more mouthful, with little tricks. Then a picture of everyone happy doing their after dinner jobs, HAHAHAHAHA! Right then trying to get some control after to have scriptures and prayers. Littles off to bed ( more screaming, crying, pleading, down right trickery), The not so littles trying to stay up with the adults 'cause they are older and more sophisticated then the little ones. Finally peace and quite! Ya right. Then night time wake ups. Oh man that would be the best post ever. That would be a real day that I think most people would totally relate to. Of course it would have to be someones family to post it 'cause my family is perfect. HAHAHAHHAHAH! (sorry had to pick myself off the floor.) That would be fun to see. Back to the " do nothing day" ( sorry for the detour, you can get lost very quickly up there in my brain.)

 It's just one of those days. Not a sad day, or a gloomy day, just a " do nothing day". Sometimes you just need to sit back and " do nothing."


  1. are getting good and I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! Way to keep it real!

  2. You crack me up, girl. And uh, yeah. I couldn't do that post either. ;)
