Thursday, October 18, 2012

A blustery day!

Ohhhhhh! The wind is whipping. The temperature starting to drop. The trees are shuddering with the thought of another winter. The animals are in a feeding frenzy, trying to get as much stored on their bodies before the first glistening white flakes dance and twirl in the sky. So with this blustery day what would we find that is good. Oh let me tell you.
Watching people run from their cars to the store fronts. With their hair whipping and waving as the wind's fingers run through their hair. Smelling the crisp smells of fall. The sharpness of the cold, as you take a quick inhale of fresh air.

The twisting and shuddering of leaves before they are blown from their posts on the trees. The colours that nature provides to remind us that even when the death of winter is coming, there is always great beauty no matter what may be. This has to be one of my most favorite times of the year. The colours, the brisk cool air, the smell of the first frost hanging in the breeze. The warm sweaters, the cute boots, the warm hot chocolate that not only warms the belly but also the soul. The rosey cheeks and red tipped noses of those little ones we love as they run in the house from the bus stop. Playing in piles and piles and piles of leaves with no care in the world. Yes I love Fall. One of my most favorite times of the year.
 What do you like about Fall?

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