Sunday, September 4, 2011

Another Sabbath Day

Well it is Sunday. Actually the end of Sunday and it was a good day. Not so good to start out with. Trout got sick, and I mean sick (barf). Do you all know that creepy feeling you get when you think someone is looking at you. Well that happens alot in our house. At night it is more prevalent. You know that feeling ,that there are little eyes watching you as you sleep. Then you wake up and almost have a heart attack, because those little eyes are about an inch from your face. Never a good wake up. So that is what it felt like last night. ( Put scary music here) I had a feeling I was being watched. But I'm such a scardy pants, I did not want to open my eyes. Eventually, I did open them. I was expecting a much smaller shadowy figure looming over my bed. Trout was looking right down at me. But I really could not see that well because there was back lighting. All it looked like was a scary shadow calling my name. All I could think of was " quick crawl under your covers, the shadow will pass, the shadow will pass". Trout was distraught and not feeling well. Daddy Warbucks got up, bless his soul, and helped clean everything up. I am one of those people that get sick just thinking about getting sick. Not good when Daddy Warbucks is travelling and the zoo gets ill. After that wonderful wake up call, the rest of the day was very pleasant.
The Spirit was so very strong in Sacrament today. Wonderful testimonies were borne and a strong stirring was in my heart. I was thinking about Sis. Dalton and her husband. I just finished listening to a conversation on the Mormon channel. Wonderful, I express to all to listen to it. There was something that at that moment stood out to me. She talked about a time that she and her husband were running up a hill, training for a marathon. She felt that she could not carry on and yelled ahead to her husband and said she was giving up and going back to the car. He immediately turned round ran up to her and told her " you never make decisions in the middle of a hill". Interesting. You never make decision in the middle of a hill. In the middle of trial, stress or hardship. You don't make a choice in hast. I have climbed hills in running. Yes, I have given up in the middle. I have felt the bitter sorrow of defeat. The shame that you feel as you walk down knowing that you never made it to the top. It's heart breaking. But on the other hand I have tasted the sweetness of triumph. The thrill that you get when you look back and see what you were able to accomplish. This is how we must face our trials. We must make the choice now, while in good times,{ a flat run} that we are not going to give up in the middle. We will climb the hill. It might not be fast, it may look ugly, but it will be conquered. Then we must surround ourselves with those that will help us along the way. Sister Dalton had her husband at her side as she ran that hill. We must also have someone by us lifting, cheering, reminding, encouraging and at times crying with us. Of course, there are trials in this life that we face alone. Things that we don't want to share, things that are private. We may not have a physical companion but do not think for one moment that Christ is not climbing that hill with you. He knows your heart ache, your pain, your suffering. He has cried tears for you. He has spilled blood from every pore for you, and he knows what is at the top of the hill. He knows the joy, the triumph, the sweetness, the absolute glory that can be found at the top of the hill. And He wants you to make it.
We are never along, we must not give up, we must not quit in the middle of the hill. It will get harder, no doubt about that. But how great will be your joy.

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