Monday, September 26, 2011

Things I pondered today.

Well the day is not even over. But I think my pondering time is all used up. My brain can only ponder for so long then it just shuts down and goes into survival mode. So today I was thinking of a couple of things. One I wish I could swim and think at the same time. I have a friend that is good at swimming that I'm totally inspired by her. She is truly a fish. She's one of those people that make it look really easy. You know the type. You watch them swim or do anything for that matter. And you think to your self " That does not look so hard." Big mistake, huge. Huge! ( Did anyone catch what movie that's from. If you do I'll give you a prize.) So anyway, I have realized that swimming is not that easy. Dang you friend. I wish I could be like her. She can swim and hum at the same time. Me on the other hand, I'm lucky enough if I can remind myself to breathe. So this was my thought. Why do some people easily make things look effortless, and are really good at things. And there are some who just can't figure it out. Well, I think we are all good at everything. It's just not our time yet. I think that yes, we are giving talents here on earth, that are ours, that we are really good at. There are some things that just come really easy. Somethings that we don't have to give alot of effort to and it just comes really easy for us. But do you think that the Lord would only give us some talents and not all of the talents. I have thought about this. Why would he give some people one, and other people tons. I think, that at some point of our learning and growth. So from eternity into eternity, we will be given all talents. We just have to work for them. We are not going to get them all here on earth, but we will be given all. We have already been told that we will inherit all the Father has. I just thought about that. I have to have patients with myself and not look at what other people can do. The wonderful talents they have, and wish my time away wanting what I don't have. I have many talents myself. We all do, but in order to receive more, I must first show that I love and cherish the talents that I have. And then work towards more. The Lord expects us to work, nothing is free. But He also expects us to have patients, with ourselves. President Uchtdorf, said that perfectly. Have patients and compassion with ourselves. Do not stack our weakness against other women's strength. That only leads to sorrow and depression.
Also another thing I thought about. ( Just now actually) Live life to the fullest.
The question is asked "What would you do if everyday you got $86,400?"
I'm sure we could all find things that we would do, things we could buy, and vacations we could take. Now this money does not carry over. It's given in the morning and taken away the next morning with the dawning of a new day. What would you do?
Of course this is a parallel to our day. We are given 86,400 seconds everyday. From sun up to sun up. We can not save seconds for later days, there is no bank that hold time. So now i pose the question " What would you do?" We were so quick to respond when it was something that had some tangible or monetary substance. Yet when it comes to things that we can not see or hold on to, we are stumped. (OK at least I am) There are so many things that I would want to do. Spend more time with my family, with my faith, with my neighbours, with those that need help. So what is stopping my know. Oh I know, ME! If we ( as women) looked at our lives this way, would we be more willing to act. More willing to put caution to the wind, stand up for what is right and use a voice that the world can hear. I think we would. I don't think we would be as timid, as quite, as scared. I'm going to try to see if I can live my life,using every second I have to love, serve, stand up for, cherish, enjoy all those that are around me and all that surrounds me. I have wasted enough time. I have nothing to lose, but the world and eternity to gain.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! Every now and then I need to be reminded to "stop and smell the roses." I need to enjoy the moment without worrying about the next activity. Life seems so short. The kids grow up so fast. I appreciated your perspective - it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for being my friend! :)
