Monday, September 12, 2011

Wedding, Flying, and feelings of Peace.

It was a great couple of days. It was a little crazy. Very busy and at times a little stressful. I attended my dear nieces wedding just a couple of days ago. It was an amazing time. She was radiant, and just floating on her very special day. He did not look too bad either. It was just such a wonderful time. The Spirit was so strong as we all gathered together in the Temple to witness her sealing. The words spoken were from the Lord. It was truly an answer to so many prayers. I doubt she will ever know just how many prayers were answered in that little ceremony. I know that my prayer was answered. And I know that it was because it hit me. Once the words were uttered a small thank you escaped my lips and I knew that that was what my soul was searching for. Just thinking back to that wonderful day and time, makes me feel warm and loved inside. I loved it.
And the cake turned our fabulous. It was stressful and had me at times wanting to cry but it just looked so pretty and captured who she is so well. (I'm patting myself on the back, Good job Sandy).
I hate flying. I hate flying. I hate flying. Now I don't hate the actual flying part, I hate the waiting part. You would think that we have come so far in technology and aeronautical advancements. ( I don't even know if that is a word, but when I use it I sound smart) We would be able to get from one place to the next in a some what on time manner. Well, not so much. A 5 hour wait in the airport because some dimwitt decides to do something very stupid on a day that the whole country is in mourning for. I wish some people would use the brains that God gave them to think about what the consequences will be because of their actions. I wish that everyone would look at life through someones Else's eyes. I think we would have a better world. Stop looking out for number one and start thinking about the other 6 billion people out there. Even if we just thought about how our actions or enaction is going to effect our husband, our children, our brothers, sisters, our neighbours. Even the women in front of you at the grocery store. Just a little thought.

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