Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Has anyone ever woken up and was happy? I'm trying to figure out how to do that. Right now is kind of a blah day. It has nothing to do with the weather, it's beautiful out, maybe a little windy but that is par for the course. It has nothing to do with home life. That's good. Nothing to do with the worlds current affairs. Good thing it isn't I don't think that I would ever feel good. It's just sometimes I wake up and despite all that I try to do. I have a Blah Day. You would think that with all the smiley faces I see everyday. That I would never have these days. With all the ballet dancing I do with Bug, and all the snuggle time that I get with the other animals in the Zoo. I would never have a blah day. But today I woke up ( rather early) to a Blah day. And no it is not Monday. I have done my laundry, ( you all know how I feel about that) cleaned my kitchen, had a shower, talked or should I say texted a good friend, danced in the living room. But still that little black rain cloud hangs over my head teasing me that soon it will open up and pour on my head. Huh! I just find this topic very interesting. Why do I sometimes have these kind of days. I'm not sad, I'm just blah. You know just going through the motions of the day. Not really enjoying it and not really hating it. Just living it. So if anyone has advice why I have or we have these kind of days. I would love to know how you deal with it. How do you get out of your blah day and turn it into a Yay day?

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