Monday, August 22, 2011

Who do you want to be and an experiment

I woke up this morning ready to get to work. Trout had to be out the door early for school. (Yikes it's hard waking up before the sun and getting moving) I can tell you now, I am not a morning person. I don't function well in the morning. I wake up and everything is a fog. I don't think that reality hits me until well after I have woken up. Really I don't wake up. I walk around like a mummy. Yes not a mommy, but a zombie mummy. I'm surprised my zoo does not eat me alive. You know animals can smell fear, and lack of power and organization. I'm really surprised they don't eat me for dinner. Anyway, I got moving. breakfast infront of her, lunch being made and of course my grand idea for the day running through my foggy mind. Bug gets up way to early and I snuggle her in my bed ( which happens to be her and my favorite place) and I drift off to a wonderful sleep. Of course like any mom with her own zoo, there are more that have to be woken from slumber ( darn, sometimes they are better sleeping) and fed, brushed, fed again, cleaned and marched out the door to the poor awaiting teachers. ( What a hard job, being a teacher.) I wake up paniced. I have over slept. Ahhhhh! Again animals can smell fear. Hurry, hurry hurry. Out the door we run with shoes not all on, and mom once again in her PJ's taking them to the bus stop. Yes it has happened before and it is only the 4th day of school.

They are off safe and sound. Now time to get things done. Feed the last of the animals, clean and brush. Get some workout time in. ( Glorious) and then back home to finish the mountains, not loads, but mountains of laundry. I joked with friends saying, that if I ever get sentenced to fire and brimstone. Mine will not be fire and brimstone, but LAUNDRY! I'm horrible at laundry, really it is the worst thing on the planet. It never is done. Multiplies before your very eyes and well you know horrible. I digress, I'm faithfully doing laundry, ( not happy about it) and trying to clean the kitchen. Don't even get me started on that rant.

I look over and there is Bug sitting on the floor playing by herself. I recent Confrence talk starts replaying in my head. There is a difference between being and doing. We see ourselves in a doing mode. A check list. How often do we look at life at a being mode. "Who do I want to be?"

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