Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why did no one tell me this...

Have you ever had those moments when you think you should have known something that everyone seems to know about. But you were never told. Ahhhh, I had one of those moments today. Why has no one ever told me about...

1. A 13 yr old girl can be really sassy, yet can also be your best friend.
2. Even when little boys are trying to be tough, they are the sweetest most sensitive little men.
3. Never lick a metal pole when it is really cold outside. ( haha I never did that but saw it ouch)
4. No matter who much you tell them children will still put clean laundry in the dirty pile.
5. If there is no rest for the wicked, and the righteous are always working. I'm always in either way going to be tired.
6. Rice pudding is so good. I'm totally addicted.
7. Motherhood is very hard. Would I change it for the world? Never
8. Taking a bubble bath really does wonders.
9.  Family is closest thing to heaven. Even if they do drive you bonkers.
10.You can do anything you really put your mind to.

One thing that I just loved today was the finding of this wonder little nugget of gold. A wonderful blog ( well I have stalked her for awhile now), that links to this beauty right here. I'm just amazed that no one told me about this. I'm excited to read some of the books they link up. The articles, that seem to inspire women to do their very best. Not what someone else or society says is the best.
I'm inspired by the Mommy retreats. How I would love to have a group of my favorite moms come together and help lift, teach, laugh and cry with. I would love that, I would come away with just a great feeling. There is so much to learn from each other, we have so much to share. Why did no one tell me about this. I love it. I know that maybe this with other things in my life that I'm striving to do better with will get me to the top of that mountain that I so want to climb. I'm yearning to gaze down from the peak and see the great creations for what they are. To see them from the true perspective that they were made for. Then in turn, help pull those around me up so they too may become breathless at the glory and beauty of all that there is. I'm so excited, I pray that I will continue my excitement even when in the deepest trenches of motherhood.

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