Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Daddy Warbucks Birthday!

Daddy Warbucks birthday is usually a day that gets eaten up in the daily running of life. He works all day, supporting his family, then comes and helps take care of the house. So today we gave Daddy a special day. He still had to work but we tried to give him what he really wanted. A tidy clean house ( with 5 zoo animals, it is really hard to keep things tidy yikes) and a delicious meal that would warm his heart.
Our family tradition is that on the day of the birthday the birthday boy/girl gets to pick what is for dinner. It can be anything. One birthday we had a pancake bar, and another we went to McDonald's. ( Yup the child wanted fries!). This is what Daddy Warbucks picked. A dish made for him while he was on his mission. Chicken Couscous! ( good thing he bought me a french cookbook)
I felt so french as I went to the supermarket ( ok that part is not very french) to pick out my fresh ingredients. I even dressed for the occasion. A striped black and white shirt, scarf, skinny jeans, and red lips. ( I know only missing the beret). Anyway the ingredients look so lovely and welcoming. They call out come and eat me.

The spices alone I could have eaten on their own. It looked so festive for fall the colours the aroma. Oh my, my house smelled like heaven. ( not that I really know what that smells like.)

Of course like any good french dish, there is butter. Oh glorious butter. Everything is better with butter. It just melts so smoothly and looks like gold. How could this dew from heaven be so bad. Oh my friends, butter is glorious.

Sorry just a cooking picture. Oh look at all the spices, the butter the fresh chicken. If I had the ability to blog smells you too would be in heaven with me.

This is why the french can use so much butter. Look at all the vegetables that they use. And not just your usual suspects. Leeks!!! I have never cooked with a  leek, my world has changed.


Dinner is served!

 Daddy Warbucks said that it was one of his best birthdays that he ever had. The house was clean, ( thank you my little Zoo), dinner was amazing ( thank you the french nation), and the company excellent ( thank you well, me haha). We had fun, ate by candle light until it got too dark that we could not see our food, spoke what little french that we know. Daddy Warbucks thought it was pretty entertaining since he is fluent, ate our amazingly delicious dinner with bread and cheese on the side and listened to french music in the background.
Best Birthday Ever.
( I have a feeling I just set the bar a little too high for next year, oh drat!)

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