Friday, May 27, 2011

" Life is like a bowl of Cherries"

Some one once said that " life is like a bowl of cherries." Well were they alluding to the fact that it was beautiful and full of flavour. Or the fact that in that bowl is a bunch of pits. I have thought about this phrase for sometime now and have come to this conclusion. Yes Life is like a bowl of wonderful, delicious plump cherries. The colour of the fruit is warm and inviting. Intense and intriguing. Every bite explodes with a juicy flavor that is sweet yet holds a hint of tartness. It's hard to explain what a cherry tastes like. When asked all we can say in reply is "It tastes like a cherry." Yet in the midst of this little treasure, is a pit. A hard little stone that hurts if bit into. For younger children learning the art of eating a cherry, is very messy to get out. And for us that may have mastered the "pop in mouth and spit out pit, while still chewing" method. It's still a pain. There have been contraptions made through time that is to help alleviate this problem. This nuisance, this set back in the enjoyment of the cherry.
Well, " life is like a bowl of cherries." The fruit is a joy to eat. It's hard to stop. And yes with every bite there is a pit. Life is just like that. We are given so many wonderful blessings. Our bowls are full, yet there are pits. There are trials that have to be waded through, chewed up and spit out. It can be messy, just like a young child eating a cherry. It's a messy business getting those pits, wading through trial. There is no fancy gadget of gizmo that make life any easier. Nothing is going to make the pits go away. Yet there is something that makes it tolerable if not easier to deal with. Faith in Jesus Christ. This is not a sermon. This is my testimony of my Savior. It is Him that make the pitts in my life easier to manage. It is Him that helps me take them out, so that I may be able to enjoy the beauty of the fruit. I have many struggles in my life. I may seem strong. I may seem put together. I may seem like I have no cares in the world. My bowl is full of sweet cherries. Well, I am not strong. My Savior is strong. I am not put together. My Savior is put together. I have many cares in this world. My Savior cares about me in this world. My bowl is as full as yours. And has just as many pitts.
I have been contemplating this blog for a while. I don't want it to be a venting session. I want it to be a healing session. I session that I can look back and laugh at. Cry at. Know that I'm not alone at. And maybe just maybe help at. We all have pitts and some pitts are the same as others. We need to help others and our selves over come them so that we may savor the taste of the the cherry.
I find help in my Savior. I find help in my husband. I find help in my children. I find help in my friends and I find help in talking about life.

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