Thursday, May 9, 2013

Running ...

Yuck! I think that I have runners knee. Now if I tell Daddy Warbucks, he will just say stop diagnosing yourself and take it easy. Take it easy! How on earth do I do that. I have signed up for a race here in town that is one of the hilliest races. Plus it is 13.1 miles. I have done it before but this times seems like I'm brand new to this running thing. I can tell you that I am not. Am I the best and fastest runner no, but I'm steady and it has kind of come to define me. I feel that I'm letting myself down if I do not do this run. Mentally and physically I don't want to do it. Why the heck did I sign up? Oh I know they have a pretty good pre-race bag. Man those goodie bags they give at races. Plus I like the big bling hanging around my neck. So I probably just need to suck it up and run the silly race. Last time I ran a 1/2 marathon, I had plantar faciatus, ( totally spelt that wrong, but you get the picture. I'm just to lazy to get the right spelling so sorry) I taped up my foot, downed some painkillers and went off to the races. I probably will do that with this one. Or just go get the goodie bag and not worry about the actual running part. HAHA! So to try to get me motivated and healing, I will post some of my running photos. Don't worry there are not a lot.

 The top ones are from running the hills by my house. I have respectfully named the biggest " Brutus". I think about him every time I step out of my front door for a run. One day Brutus I will conquer and it will be sweet.

 The windiest race I have ever ran in my life. And I got a stupid glass instead of a medal. I felt so ripped off. Until I realized "Hey this cup is actually a pretty good size". Now it is my water cup everyday. 8 of these babies everyday.

Last but no least. These pretty ladies, the socks look good too. Haha. No really I bought some compression socks to see if it helped any with my sore legs. They seem to cramp up in the calf every time I run. So I wear these sweet things and hopefully it will help.
Well with that said I need to go for a run now. Actually I need to ice and do some leg extensions for this silly runners knee and hopefully get everything tracking in time for the race, in 3 weeks. I'll keep you posted about how the running thing is going. Time to go and tend to the zoo and other things in the house that I am procrastinating doing. Like running.


  1. You can totally do the run! I'm doing the 6k. So if you decide it is too much you could just run the 6k with the rest of us! :)

    I haven't had much motivation either. My children have been so needy lately that I'm drained each day. And I feel silly running on the treadmill when it is so nice outside. I have one more final for school and then I'll get back to running. At least that is what I tell myself!

  2. Good luck with that race! You are a trooper for sticking it out. But your poor body. That's how I felt when I did the half last year. SO hard on the body. But I'm sure you'll do great!
