Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life got busy

Sorry about the lag the last couple of days. Life happened. Had two choir concerts in one night and Daddy Warbucks out of town. That's a hard thing to do. Be at two places at once. Got it done with the help of wonderful friends and family who helped watch some kids so they all did not have to come. I shouldn't say that, so they all did not have the opportunity to come. Both concerts were well done and of course the singers I know really well did amazing.
Actually Trout had her own on stage solo and nailed it. She did such an amazing job, her friends had no idea she had such a voice. Well done. We celebrated with cheesecake!
School is almost done on the home stretch now and I can't wait.
I'm on day 4 of working out and trying to eat clean. As you can see a couple of sentences earlier, it was a cheat day. Cheese is natural right, it had cheese in it.
Yesterday was legs. Since my knee is giving me grief still I just did body weight no extra lbs and did not go fully parallel on the squats and lunges, plus I was at home cause Daddy Warbucks was coming home and I did not want to miss him since he was getting clean clothes and heading out of town again.
3 sets 12 reps/ min rest
Walking lunges
Quad extensions ( sat on the couch and extended out, bad knee)
Sumo squats
Donkey kicks
Calf raises
1st position calf raises
Today is running ( outside) then shoulders and abs
Run 4 miles
3 sets 12 reps/ min rest
Seated dumbbell press
dumbbell straight arm raise
Side lateral raise
Seated bent over rear raise
Star sit ups
Ball crunch with a twist.
The come home and do chores. Clean, fold, clean, fold, and keep deer out of my fruit trees.
Loved this and at times we need to remember it.
Make your day great!

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