Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The dreaded BUDGET!

Well I thought that I had everything in control today. My ship was sailing very smoothly along the sea of life. The breeze gentle and sweet as it pushed my little vessel closer to serenity, being lulled into a false sense of peace. Oh, how the sea of life is fickle. I opened my eyes and realized that I was in the middle of a horrible storm. I was being tossed like a toy boat in a bathtub of very exuberant children. I was on the edge of drowning.
 I am the worst at keeping a budget. No I should really say that I can have a budget, I just don't stick to the budget. I have tried so many different ways of staying on task, always being ahead of the game. But alas the game changes ( ok really it doesn't but it makes me feel better). New players are added and I'm still in the corner trying to figure out the rules. I scream "UNCLE", I don't like this game, I want out. Why can't we just get everything we want? Why do I have to save, to watch were my money goes ( usually down in the belly of the Zoo animals), and suffer defeat after every shopping trip. I always come home from grocery shopping feeling beaten. Those darn sale racks at Target, they get me every time. ( like the cute blue skirt I just picked up, oh drat there's my problem)
There are sooooo many things in this world that I would love to have. But I  must try to  be a good steward of the blessings given. I wish that there was some magic potion, or maybe a money dance. An app ( oh there is probably one for that, I would just forget to use it), a club that would follow me around and whack me on the head when thinking of going over budget. An easy fix. But as we all know life is not easy. Money is a wild beast that needs to be tamed or it will eat you alive.
So the plan is that I will work my very hardest to keep the beast at bay. I will put my all into keeping my budget. I will, I will, I will. ( Until the next trip to Target, they will have shoes on sale! HAHA)
I'm going to win this twisted game if it is the last thing that I do.

I was as shocked as you to find this little puppy hiding in my wallet. Isn't that a bummer when finding a $1.00 in your wallet makes you happy. Probably 'cause it does not happen very often in my purse. Hip Hip Hooray!

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