Thursday, November 1, 2012


Halloween in done. Phew, it's hard getting ready for Halloween. Kids getting costumes ready then at the last minute changing ideas. ( urg, I hate when then they do that, I'm sure that's the way my mom felt). Ok where were we, right the changing of costumes last minute, then the face painting. Don't get me wrong I do like doing that part, but getting it off is a bear. So let's say costumes are done, ( but we all know that there is going to be a last, last minute change, happens every year). Then buying the candy. Yikes!!!! This is the part that I really hate. The reason I hate this part is because.... I end up having absolutely no self control. I eat so much candy. I know I admit it I have a Halloween candy addiction. The problem is that this candy isn't really even the good candy..
( This used to be over flowing, and I wont tell you how many times it was filled)
 So by the time the big Trick or Treat day arrives, I have already eaten almost my weight in candy. Now are you getting why I think Halloween is so hard. Let's not even get started on decorating the house. That's a totally different post that I don't think I want to write. Only so many skeletons from my closet come out on this blog.
But by the time the nigh has ended, I'm glad that we go through all the headache and toothaches. The Zoo had so much fun. Trout was getting kind of old for the trick or treating so she walked with the littles and the littles friends around the community. She was a great big helper. Monster got to go out with his buddies. He had so much fun and figured out a system on how to get as much candy as he possibly could. He ran the whole time. Daddy Warbucks and I got to sit with some good friends in the driveway and handed out candy. The night was filled with ghosts and ghouls, princesses and fairies, some tricks ( more treats for me, I know I have a problem) and lots of laughter. Look forward to next year.
Now time for Thanksgiving and of course Christmas!!

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