OK, a little lighter post. One about dirt. What dirt, odd topic. Actually this is about lemons. Yes our dear friend the lemon. The fruit that is yellow, bumpy, is sour as anything, given to babies gets the best faces possible. And for us that don't like to order drinks in restaurants it makes us feel better when put in our glass of water. ( That last part is so true) Anyway, this little fruit has so much oomph behind it.
Not only does it smell like you just cleaned the house, but if bathed in it or rubbed on ones skin it will fade a self tan job gone bad. ( not that I know anything about that. I lived in Canada, winter lasts a long time. Anything that one can do to make the winter blues go away, one tries) So just recently, I stumbled across a blog(kandeej.com) that said to wash your face with it. What I screamed, that might just work. So of course, me ( the one who gets sucked into buying infomercial products) tried it. Trout thought it was hilarious. Trout walked into my bathroom saw everything out and asked if I was baking in the bathroom. Let's just say I have tried everything, avocado, mayo, honey etc. ( By the way honey is great for clearing up that pesky pimple that snuck up on you in the middle of the night)
So what you do, is take some lemon juice, I used it from concentrate. To cheap to get the real fruit, poured it on a cotton pad. Sprinkled white sugar on it and started scrubbing. My own little sugar exfoliate. My face felt great, so smooth and smelled like I just cleaned the kitchen. HAHA! No really, it worked great. It's supposed to help with pregnancy mask and other dark spots we find on our faces. So try it, it may surprise you. And if not, it will just keep your family wondering if you really are crazy. The jury is still out on that for me.
I luuurrrrv Kandee! The sugar/lemon scrub does work wonders. Just a head sup as well mayo is great at getting rid of all your dry skin on your face. Be warned, dont use this mask before you go out as your face is pretty ruddy afterwards! Love the blog I'm so glad that I found you!