1. I made it a great day. ( Well not me but the Spirit) but I made a point to go out of my way to visit. No longer am I going to sit on the sidelines waiting for someone to come talk to me. I'm making the first step. I'm making the first smile, the first greeting. I'm no longer going to feel sorry for myself that no one talked to me. I need to be the person that I want others to be to me. It was a great day. I visited with people that I admire and it was genuine. I was letting the Lord speak to me and I was listening.
2. A great lesson given by an amazing woman. I loved what she said about our children. How they learn. They watch, they listen, they mimic. We have such a short time to teach them, to guide them, to help them grow and become strong. We must do our very best to help them. One thing we did talk about was that the adversary has no power over the little children. Until they reach the age of accountability. I was intrigue. The thought popped into my mind about the Armor of God. We as parents are responsible to teach our little ones before they are faced with the war that is raging around us. The Lord has given us this little time where Satan has no power over these little ones. This is there probation, before they are asked to stand and be counted. I thought about our military. They are not thrown out in war with out any instruction. Yes at times it may be small and not that informative. But there is some instruction. There is preparation that takes place. Safe guards set up. Same as teaching our little ones. I'm am helping them prepare. I'm teaching them about how to stay safe. How to fight this war. The question arises " How do we prepare our little ones?" We teach them about the armor that they need. About pray, about scripture study, about making and keeping covenants. But not just teach by our Monday discussions, or what they learn in church on Sunday. But by example. By showing them our well worn armor. By keeping our armor on all the time. Our shields of faith polished and strong. Our swords of truth, sharp and not rusted. We show and teach by example. I envision a mother sitting by her son as he pulled out his armor for the first time. I mother loving sit beside her son as they together polished it. They together looking over the chain mail looking for a weak link. Testing his sword together. I envision a loving mother making sure that the straps are strong. That they are buckled up strong, that they will not fall off. I envision a mother teaching her son how much she loves him. Her hugs, her kisses, her tears as she tells of the suffering that may come, of the pain that will be encountered. But always holding her dear child close and reassuring his safety in her arms. We need to be the mother, the father that helps polish, that helps sharpen, that helps strap on the armor their dear Father in Heaven has given them. And always, always hug them and kiss them. Let them know we love them and will always be there for them. We must make sure they are strong, for if we do not and they fall by the sword of the foe, how great will be our sorrow.
This is what I learned. I'm preparing my children for war. I'm helping them learn to stay strong and be safe. To never take that armor off. And in the end to always love them, and help heal the wounds that they will come home with. We have so much to teach them and at times I feel so little time to do it.
My direction is so much clearer. My time is called for. Mine is to teach my children. To dress them for battle. To always fall to my knees for help and thanksgiving. And to love unconditionally. That is who I want to be and who I will stay true to. I love my children. I love the zoo I live in. I love my Savior, He is my light, my anchor. He is why I am here and He is why I want to return. With Him as my teacher, my advisor, I can and will accomplish all that I am asked to do, and I will do it well.
Thank you so much for this inspiration. Sometimes it seems so hard to keep our eye on the prize. I will definitely be a better mom today because of reading this.