Everyone should have sisters. I love mine, they are kind, thoughtful, spiritual, loving, silly, warm, sometimes fuzzy and always know what to say. I have had great moments with my sisters. Since moving away from them I have had a void. But I must say that I now have found a whole handful of sisters. These women would drop everything to help, they would cry with me, laugh with me, sometimes laugh at me. ( I'm not very graceful) I love my new sisters just like the sisters that live so far from me. I had an experience with one the other day. She sent me a beautiful talk. It was truly amazing and I was touched that she thought of me. I knew the talk was for me, for in the first few sentences my favorite scripture was quoted. How beautiful and lovely the mysteries of God are. She is a very inspired women. With all that is happening in her life she has time to think of me. She is a dear friend and sister.
As I was thinking about sisters, I was thinking about trees. I know totally random. I was thinking about the little trees that sometimes I see that are growing in the strangest places. I'm sure that you have seen them. The ones growing from cracks in rocks. Growing in the middle of wind and sun scorched deserts. The ones that grow where it would be impossible to grow. I was thinking that I was like those little strange trees. All alone growing in the most impossible climates, on the steepest cliffs. Well I opened my eyes. I was not a lone little tree. Struggling to find purchase in the environment I was given. No, I'm in the middle of a forest. My roots have been in tangled with the other trees around me. I thought about that. My roots are not reaching for purchase in sandy soil, rocky terrain. My roots are reaching for security and safety in the roots of the other trees around me. That is way when the winds and torments of the weather arise forests don't move, yet lone trees sway and break, and ultimately die. I opened my eyes and saw all the sisters standing round me. They are the trees that I'm talking about. I'm in a forest of strong, amazing and spiritual women. I'm in a forest of regal saints that I get to call sister. Their roots are strong. Their roots have knit together through service, prayer, laughter, tears, heartache and joy. I don't stand alone, I stand in the presence of giants. I'm intertwining my roots. When the storms of life rage around I know that I will not be blown over. I am in a forest of strong women, my roots may not be as deep as others right now but we are weaved together and together we will weather life. My mother, my sisters, my sister friends they stand by and give support. Not to forget the amazing man who stands by me and has grown with me this far and forever. He is my greatest support, my greatest cheerleader, my greatest friend. I opened my eyes and saw his. I'm so thankful for all the Lord has placed in my forest. Thank you.
P.S. I have not read the book that is the picture. Sorry
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