Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Thoughts

It's interesting how much perspective plays in the way we deal with life. Not everyone has the same perspective. I know it's one of those "duh" moments. Of course no one has the same way of looking at a problem, or the same way with dealing with a problem. So it's amazing to me that we think that others are in the wrong when we don't like their perspective. I have found myself in that place many times, and now I'm just figuring it out. I think we would be a more delight some people if we could just step back and look at the situation through another persons eyes. Sit back and try to feel what they are feeling, what bothers them, what gets under their skin and how they like to be treated. And yes this did not just occur to me, that I should be doing this. I have just noticed how difficult this truly is. How hard it is to put aside the way we want things to be. The way that we want to see things. The way we want situations to be handled. Sometimes we really do need to walk in someone else shoes to get the clear picture. Some of us are looking at trials from the back, some from the sides. Some of us are looking at them like they are not our problems. Or maybe some of us are looking at them and not seeing them. For me, sometimes I look at them from the inside. Where you feel like your drowning. Right in the middle, finding no way out. I think that if we took a step back, up, sideways, in our even out. We would see things for what they truly are. We would see things that we never saw before. Ways to help, to serve, to heal, to strengthen. Ways to stand taller and stronger. It takes a lot of humility to be able to step back and admit that maybe we have done something wrong. Something that we precieved was right, but really wrong and did not help the situation. For me that is still a work in progress. Now how do we do it? That is the million dollar question. How do we step back, how do we regroup. My sister said something today that struck a chord. We pray. We pray for guidance. We pray for strength. We pray for understanding. I think that is really how we fix this problem. We find answers when we are humble. And most times for me that is when I'm on my knees praying to my Father and admitting my faults and pleading for help. Just a thought.

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