It's All Hallows Eve time again. Did it seem to anyone else that we just did this. I recall it was not that long ago. It's amazing how quickly life is going by. Thanksgiving is in 3 weeks and Christmas is right around the corner. And do you think that I am ready for any of them. Nope! I just bearly got this day done. I was still running around this afternoon trying to get all the odds and ends wrapped up. And I don't even go all out at Halloween. Imagine how crazy I would be if I did. You think I'm crazy now, man I would hate to see me then. I must say that this is not my most favorite holiday. I don't know why. Why is that? I loved Halloween as a kid. What kid wouldn't. One you get to be someone that your not. How cool. I get to be Superman. Awesome. Okay for me I was usually a downhill or cross country skier. If you knew where I grew up you would understand. So really my costume looked no different from my winter coat. But man I thought that was the best. Funny thing is, the people handing out the candy would know exactly what I was. " Oh look, Another skier!" Haha I wonder how many skiers folks got in my neighbour hood. Second thing. You get to ask for candy, and the adults gave it freely. There was no wondering if this time I ask for sweets will I get it. Nope this day you got as many sweets as your pillow case ( we didn't have cool bags like kids do now) could hold. I remember getting it so full that I could bearly carry it. I mean it was only maybe half full of the candy that you really wanted to eat, and the rest was just garbage. Do you remember those candies that had the orange wrapping and the witches on them. You know the ones I'm talking about. They would taste horrible and indefinitely pull out any loose teeth that you had at that moment. Those always were the last thing in the bag. ( sorry for all of you out there that liked those candies. Wish I knew you when I was young we totally would have traded). So as a child I loved Halloween, now not so much. I love the kids excitement as they try to figure out what to dress up as. But you all know what is going on in my head. I have to make what! I have to find what! I find it a total nightmare. Now maybe if I was as talented as a dear friend of mine who make all her kids costumes. They are amazing. Really good looking costumes. But alas I totally procrastinate and don't seem to have time to get the costumes done. Sorry my little zoo mom is lame. I just don't get into it. Then I think of all the money that I'm spending on candy that I have to give out. ( man I'm totally cheap). Nah I just see all the candy that will be in my house that I will eat. Cause I have no absolutely no self control when it comes to fun sized chocolate bars. Really I rationalize that I can have 3-4 bars. They area just little and it's not a full chocolate bar. I know that we have all thought that. Don't kid yourself.
So now I'm handing out the candy that will be back in my house times five. (All the pillow cases the zoo will bring back) I will have to find in myself some form of control so I don't end up being the example to the zoo on what happens when you eat too many sweets. I then I have to do it all again next year. Which remember is going by so fast. And that is why Halloween is not my favorite. Maybe this holiday is a test for me. Well friends, I'm failing miserably. I have already down 2 bags of reases pieces, a york patty, and I'm eyeing the whoppers. Man I totally fail. ( I'm excited to see what the zoo brings back, man I'm a total failure. Hahaha!)
Happy Halloween, May your treats be sweet and your tricks scary.