I have cupcakes in the oven, for "Bear's" birthday party tomorrow, so I thought that I would take some time to write a little post. Last night Daddy Warbucks and I were sitting in the living room being boring. ( That happens alot at my little house. We don't get out much, or at least not invited lots. I think it's due to the fact that we own a zoo. Just a hunch. You all should be feeling bad now. Haha. Just joking, we love our boring hum drum life) So anyway. I was reading about the I am a Mormon campaign that the Church has put out. I love it! If you have not seen it yet I tell you right now. Stop reading my ramblings and go to mormon.org. Then don't forget to come back. I'll miss you. Watch the little clips about normal people who are Mormon. I watched some last night. These are not ordinary people. These are extraordinary people. Some of these people have and are going through cancer treatment with a young family who depends on them. Some are blind, some are Olympic athletes, philanthropists, Singers, Bloggers, Military vets etc. But the glimpse into their lives shows that they are normal ordinary people. I sat on the couch thinking of the video they would make about me. Hum, I live in my pj's ( not very inspiring), I run to get away ( that does not sound inspiring), I hit the proverbial wall at about 8:oo pm every night.
I make due with what I have or I make due without. ( Or I just whine to Daddy Warbucks and he tells me to suck it up princess).So of course the train running through my head was one of self pitty. Not that I want to be sick, or be an army vet. An Olympic athlete that would be cool. I don't want to be blind, and opera singer that would be fun. I just thought my life would be something worth watching a short video about. Maybe not so much. Of course Daddy Warbucks always ruins a good pitty party. ( that's what I love about him). He reminded me of the wonderful things that my life has. I have 5 wonderful animals that I love very much. They are healthy, smart, kind and I think pretty cute. I have a wonderful husband ( That is what he reminded me over and over about. haha). I have a nice safe house and community. I have an awesome group of friends that I count as my sisters. I have a family that accepts me for my forgetfulness. I have a God that loves me. My life looked better and better. The Adversary wants us to think that we don't measure up. Well you know what, we do measure up. We surpass the measuring tape. There is nothing that we can not obtain. He's that one that did not measure up. He fell short. Not me. Yes I'm still working at it.Everyday is a struggle. I don't laugh and sing, run through meadows of wildflowers with my hair streaming back in big curls, and the sunlight hitting every angle of my face perfectly. I wake up like the rest of us. My hair so scary that Medusa would turn to stone. The traces of yesterdays makeup still lingering from a not so good clean job. Breath that dragons wish for. And I don't think about the wonders that I can accomplish today, I just think about getting the day started with out falling back asleep or yelling at the zoo to hurry up. But every night I know that I may struggle, I may stink, I may just feel down right horrible. But my Heavenly Father loves me and thinks that I measure perfectly. I'm His, He loves me. And I will do my best to make him happy with me His daughter.
So this I say. Like the videos say at the end.
I'm a mother of 5 wonderful children.
I have a happy, and loud home.
I'm a butcher ( mostly with dinner).
A baker.
Sometimes I'm a candlestick maker.
And I'm a Mormon.
So here is the thing I would love to see. Post what you are. What defines you? I'm excited to see them shared with others.
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Has anyone ever woken up and was happy? I'm trying to figure out how to do that. Right now is kind of a blah day. It has nothing to do with the weather, it's beautiful out, maybe a little windy but that is par for the course. It has nothing to do with home life. That's good. Nothing to do with the worlds current affairs. Good thing it isn't I don't think that I would ever feel good. It's just sometimes I wake up and despite all that I try to do. I have a Blah Day. You would think that with all the smiley faces I see everyday. That I would never have these days. With all the ballet dancing I do with Bug, and all the snuggle time that I get with the other animals in the Zoo. I would never have a blah day. But today I woke up ( rather early) to a Blah day. And no it is not Monday. I have done my laundry, ( you all know how I feel about that) cleaned my kitchen, had a shower, talked or should I say texted a good friend, danced in the living room. But still that little black rain cloud hangs over my head teasing me that soon it will open up and pour on my head. Huh! I just find this topic very interesting. Why do I sometimes have these kind of days. I'm not sad, I'm just blah. You know just going through the motions of the day. Not really enjoying it and not really hating it. Just living it. So if anyone has advice why I have or we have these kind of days. I would love to know how you deal with it. How do you get out of your blah day and turn it into a Yay day?
Monday, September 26, 2011
Things I pondered today.
Well the day is not even over. But I think my pondering time is all used up. My brain can only ponder for so long then it just shuts down and goes into survival mode. So today I was thinking of a couple of things. One I wish I could swim and think at the same time. I have a friend that is good at swimming that I'm totally inspired by her. She is truly a fish. She's one of those people that make it look really easy. You know the type. You watch them swim or do anything for that matter. And you think to your self " That does not look so hard." Big mistake, huge. Huge! ( Did anyone catch what movie that's from. If you do I'll give you a prize.) So anyway, I have realized that swimming is not that easy. Dang you friend. I wish I could be like her. She can swim and hum at the same time. Me on the other hand, I'm lucky enough if I can remind myself to breathe. So this was my thought. Why do some people easily make things look effortless, and are really good at things. And there are some who just can't figure it out. Well, I think we are all good at everything. It's just not our time yet. I think that yes, we are giving talents here on earth, that are ours, that we are really good at. There are some things that just come really easy. Somethings that we don't have to give alot of effort to and it just comes really easy for us. But do you think that the Lord would only give us some talents and not all of the talents. I have thought about this. Why would he give some people one, and other people tons. I think, that at some point of our learning and growth. So from eternity into eternity, we will be given all talents. We just have to work for them. We are not going to get them all here on earth, but we will be given all. We have already been told that we will inherit all the Father has. I just thought about that. I have to have patients with myself and not look at what other people can do. The wonderful talents they have, and wish my time away wanting what I don't have. I have many talents myself. We all do, but in order to receive more, I must first show that I love and cherish the talents that I have. And then work towards more. The Lord expects us to work, nothing is free. But He also expects us to have patients, with ourselves. President Uchtdorf, said that perfectly. Have patients and compassion with ourselves. Do not stack our weakness against other women's strength. That only leads to sorrow and depression.
Also another thing I thought about. ( Just now actually) Live life to the fullest.
The question is asked "What would you do if everyday you got $86,400?"
I'm sure we could all find things that we would do, things we could buy, and vacations we could take. Now this money does not carry over. It's given in the morning and taken away the next morning with the dawning of a new day. What would you do?
Of course this is a parallel to our day. We are given 86,400 seconds everyday. From sun up to sun up. We can not save seconds for later days, there is no bank that hold time. So now i pose the question " What would you do?" We were so quick to respond when it was something that had some tangible or monetary substance. Yet when it comes to things that we can not see or hold on to, we are stumped. (OK at least I am) There are so many things that I would want to do. Spend more time with my family, with my faith, with my neighbours, with those that need help. So what is stopping my know. Oh I know, ME! If we ( as women) looked at our lives this way, would we be more willing to act. More willing to put caution to the wind, stand up for what is right and use a voice that the world can hear. I think we would. I don't think we would be as timid, as quite, as scared. I'm going to try to see if I can live my life,using every second I have to love, serve, stand up for, cherish, enjoy all those that are around me and all that surrounds me. I have wasted enough time. I have nothing to lose, but the world and eternity to gain.
Also another thing I thought about. ( Just now actually) Live life to the fullest.
The question is asked "What would you do if everyday you got $86,400?"
I'm sure we could all find things that we would do, things we could buy, and vacations we could take. Now this money does not carry over. It's given in the morning and taken away the next morning with the dawning of a new day. What would you do?
Of course this is a parallel to our day. We are given 86,400 seconds everyday. From sun up to sun up. We can not save seconds for later days, there is no bank that hold time. So now i pose the question " What would you do?" We were so quick to respond when it was something that had some tangible or monetary substance. Yet when it comes to things that we can not see or hold on to, we are stumped. (OK at least I am) There are so many things that I would want to do. Spend more time with my family, with my faith, with my neighbours, with those that need help. So what is stopping my know. Oh I know, ME! If we ( as women) looked at our lives this way, would we be more willing to act. More willing to put caution to the wind, stand up for what is right and use a voice that the world can hear. I think we would. I don't think we would be as timid, as quite, as scared. I'm going to try to see if I can live my life,using every second I have to love, serve, stand up for, cherish, enjoy all those that are around me and all that surrounds me. I have wasted enough time. I have nothing to lose, but the world and eternity to gain.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
So I'm going to try some new things. I have a girlfriend that has been getting her nails done this way. They look great. So it is a gel that does not add bulk to the nail. You know when you get gels or acrylics you can no longer pick things up unless you slide them to the edge, or you cant open a can of pop. So these new babies don't add bulk and they last for 3 weeks. Yes 3 weeks, even if your hands are in water almost all the time. So I think I'm going to try it. I need to do some more research and see if I like them. I'm sure that they are going to be fabulous.

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Something Quick
Well I don't think that this is going to be a long post. But who really knows what is going to happen once you start writing. Sometimes there is nothing to say and sometimes it wont stop. I don't know if I make sense but it gives me an outlet. So bear with me.
I'm exhausted! I don't know if anyone else feels this but I'm tired all the time. And no I'm not anemic. Although I don't think that I have ever been tested. Great something else to put on my list to do, go to Doctor to get tested for Iron problems. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else out there is just as tired. Now I do run a "Zoo" full time. I don't get a break. I also run out side ( that gives me a break from all the running around I do inside with the animals). I try to keep my house clean ( failing at that), keep everyone fed, clothed and clean. Do my church callings ( don't know how well that is going) and trying to make myself a better person. I'm sure that all you mom's out there are saying " Amen". So are we all this tired. I feel that I go to bed exhausted and wake up just as tired. Am I not sleeping, am I running around in my sleep. Am I moving in bed and not knowing. I think that Daddy Warbucks would tell me about that. I just don't know what the deal is. Why am I so tired. I don't want to start taking stimulants to stay awake, but I don't want to feel like Oscar the Grouch by the time 3:oo rolls around and all the animals are home from school. What do I do? I just don't know. Am I the only one that feels this way. I would just love to wake up one morning and feel rejuvenated. Feel like I can conquer the world. Instead I feel like I just got hit with a Mack truck and then being forced to run a Marathon. ( Not that I know what that feels like, but I can guess it would not feel great). I wonder if there is anything out there that would help. I'm sure coffee would, maybe that is why people drink it by the gallons, or maybe colas ( same thing). But I don't want to do that. There has to be something else that I can do. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears. ( Okay the three of you, what should I do?)
OK, on another note and totally not in the same book or planet. I read the best quote. My mom has it on a book mark she keeps in her scriptures. It's by Marianne Williamson it reads
" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a Child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. we were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Well said. I have found myself shying away, wondering why me. Why was I chosen for such a task. I should look at it as " Here am I, send me." I can do it, I know that I have the strength and ability to stand up to any challenge. That I am supposed to shine. That my light will be magnified when I do what is right. When I show that I am a Child of God. With that knowledge, then I am able to help others and they too will shine and how blindingly beautiful will be the daughters of God. We will be a light unto a cold, dark world. We will bring life to those that seek, happiness to the troubled, strength to the weak, light to the darkened. I will not fear who I am. I am a Daughter of God, I love him and He loves me.
I will shine, and I will shine bright and strong!
I'm exhausted! I don't know if anyone else feels this but I'm tired all the time. And no I'm not anemic. Although I don't think that I have ever been tested. Great something else to put on my list to do, go to Doctor to get tested for Iron problems. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else out there is just as tired. Now I do run a "Zoo" full time. I don't get a break. I also run out side ( that gives me a break from all the running around I do inside with the animals). I try to keep my house clean ( failing at that), keep everyone fed, clothed and clean. Do my church callings ( don't know how well that is going) and trying to make myself a better person. I'm sure that all you mom's out there are saying " Amen". So are we all this tired. I feel that I go to bed exhausted and wake up just as tired. Am I not sleeping, am I running around in my sleep. Am I moving in bed and not knowing. I think that Daddy Warbucks would tell me about that. I just don't know what the deal is. Why am I so tired. I don't want to start taking stimulants to stay awake, but I don't want to feel like Oscar the Grouch by the time 3:oo rolls around and all the animals are home from school. What do I do? I just don't know. Am I the only one that feels this way. I would just love to wake up one morning and feel rejuvenated. Feel like I can conquer the world. Instead I feel like I just got hit with a Mack truck and then being forced to run a Marathon. ( Not that I know what that feels like, but I can guess it would not feel great). I wonder if there is anything out there that would help. I'm sure coffee would, maybe that is why people drink it by the gallons, or maybe colas ( same thing). But I don't want to do that. There has to be something else that I can do. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears. ( Okay the three of you, what should I do?)
OK, on another note and totally not in the same book or planet. I read the best quote. My mom has it on a book mark she keeps in her scriptures. It's by Marianne Williamson it reads
" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a Child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. we were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Well said. I have found myself shying away, wondering why me. Why was I chosen for such a task. I should look at it as " Here am I, send me." I can do it, I know that I have the strength and ability to stand up to any challenge. That I am supposed to shine. That my light will be magnified when I do what is right. When I show that I am a Child of God. With that knowledge, then I am able to help others and they too will shine and how blindingly beautiful will be the daughters of God. We will be a light unto a cold, dark world. We will bring life to those that seek, happiness to the troubled, strength to the weak, light to the darkened. I will not fear who I am. I am a Daughter of God, I love him and He loves me.
I will shine, and I will shine bright and strong!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Wedding, Flying, and feelings of Peace.
It was a great couple of days. It was a little crazy. Very busy and at times a little stressful. I attended my dear nieces wedding just a couple of days ago. It was an amazing time. She was radiant, and just floating on her very special day. He did not look too bad either. It was just such a wonderful time. The Spirit was so strong as we all gathered together in the Temple to witness her sealing. The words spoken were from the Lord. It was truly an answer to so many prayers. I doubt she will ever know just how many prayers were answered in that little ceremony. I know that my prayer was answered. And I know that it was because it hit me. Once the words were uttered a small thank you escaped my lips and I knew that that was what my soul was searching for. Just thinking back to that wonderful day and time, makes me feel warm and loved inside. I loved it.
And the cake turned our fabulous. It was stressful and had me at times wanting to cry but it just looked so pretty and captured who she is so well. (I'm patting myself on the back, Good job Sandy).
I hate flying. I hate flying. I hate flying. Now I don't hate the actual flying part, I hate the waiting part. You would think that we have come so far in technology and aeronautical advancements. ( I don't even know if that is a word, but when I use it I sound smart) We would be able to get from one place to the next in a some what on time manner. Well, not so much. A 5 hour wait in the airport because some dimwitt decides to do something very stupid on a day that the whole country is in mourning for. I wish some people would use the brains that God gave them to think about what the consequences will be because of their actions. I wish that everyone would look at life through someones Else's eyes. I think we would have a better world. Stop looking out for number one and start thinking about the other 6 billion people out there. Even if we just thought about how our actions or enaction is going to effect our husband, our children, our brothers, sisters, our neighbours. Even the women in front of you at the grocery store. Just a little thought.
And the cake turned our fabulous. It was stressful and had me at times wanting to cry but it just looked so pretty and captured who she is so well. (I'm patting myself on the back, Good job Sandy).
I hate flying. I hate flying. I hate flying. Now I don't hate the actual flying part, I hate the waiting part. You would think that we have come so far in technology and aeronautical advancements. ( I don't even know if that is a word, but when I use it I sound smart) We would be able to get from one place to the next in a some what on time manner. Well, not so much. A 5 hour wait in the airport because some dimwitt decides to do something very stupid on a day that the whole country is in mourning for. I wish some people would use the brains that God gave them to think about what the consequences will be because of their actions. I wish that everyone would look at life through someones Else's eyes. I think we would have a better world. Stop looking out for number one and start thinking about the other 6 billion people out there. Even if we just thought about how our actions or enaction is going to effect our husband, our children, our brothers, sisters, our neighbours. Even the women in front of you at the grocery store. Just a little thought.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Another Sabbath Day
Well it is Sunday. Actually the end of Sunday and it was a good day. Not so good to start out with. Trout got sick, and I mean sick (barf). Do you all know that creepy feeling you get when you think someone is looking at you. Well that happens alot in our house. At night it is more prevalent. You know that feeling ,that there are little eyes watching you as you sleep. Then you wake up and almost have a heart attack, because those little eyes are about an inch from your face. Never a good wake up. So that is what it felt like last night. ( Put scary music here) I had a feeling I was being watched. But I'm such a scardy pants, I did not want to open my eyes. Eventually, I did open them. I was expecting a much smaller shadowy figure looming over my bed. Trout was looking right down at me. But I really could not see that well because there was back lighting. All it looked like was a scary shadow calling my name. All I could think of was " quick crawl under your covers, the shadow will pass, the shadow will pass". Trout was distraught and not feeling well. Daddy Warbucks got up, bless his soul, and helped clean everything up. I am one of those people that get sick just thinking about getting sick. Not good when Daddy Warbucks is travelling and the zoo gets ill. After that wonderful wake up call, the rest of the day was very pleasant.
The Spirit was so very strong in Sacrament today. Wonderful testimonies were borne and a strong stirring was in my heart. I was thinking about Sis. Dalton and her husband. I just finished listening to a conversation on the Mormon channel. Wonderful, I express to all to listen to it. There was something that at that moment stood out to me. She talked about a time that she and her husband were running up a hill, training for a marathon. She felt that she could not carry on and yelled ahead to her husband and said she was giving up and going back to the car. He immediately turned round ran up to her and told her " you never make decisions in the middle of a hill". Interesting. You never make decision in the middle of a hill. In the middle of trial, stress or hardship. You don't make a choice in hast. I have climbed hills in running. Yes, I have given up in the middle. I have felt the bitter sorrow of defeat. The shame that you feel as you walk down knowing that you never made it to the top. It's heart breaking. But on the other hand I have tasted the sweetness of triumph. The thrill that you get when you look back and see what you were able to accomplish. This is how we must face our trials. We must make the choice now, while in good times,{ a flat run} that we are not going to give up in the middle. We will climb the hill. It might not be fast, it may look ugly, but it will be conquered. Then we must surround ourselves with those that will help us along the way. Sister Dalton had her husband at her side as she ran that hill. We must also have someone by us lifting, cheering, reminding, encouraging and at times crying with us. Of course, there are trials in this life that we face alone. Things that we don't want to share, things that are private. We may not have a physical companion but do not think for one moment that Christ is not climbing that hill with you. He knows your heart ache, your pain, your suffering. He has cried tears for you. He has spilled blood from every pore for you, and he knows what is at the top of the hill. He knows the joy, the triumph, the sweetness, the absolute glory that can be found at the top of the hill. And He wants you to make it.
We are never along, we must not give up, we must not quit in the middle of the hill. It will get harder, no doubt about that. But how great will be your joy.
The Spirit was so very strong in Sacrament today. Wonderful testimonies were borne and a strong stirring was in my heart. I was thinking about Sis. Dalton and her husband. I just finished listening to a conversation on the Mormon channel. Wonderful, I express to all to listen to it. There was something that at that moment stood out to me. She talked about a time that she and her husband were running up a hill, training for a marathon. She felt that she could not carry on and yelled ahead to her husband and said she was giving up and going back to the car. He immediately turned round ran up to her and told her " you never make decisions in the middle of a hill". Interesting. You never make decision in the middle of a hill. In the middle of trial, stress or hardship. You don't make a choice in hast. I have climbed hills in running. Yes, I have given up in the middle. I have felt the bitter sorrow of defeat. The shame that you feel as you walk down knowing that you never made it to the top. It's heart breaking. But on the other hand I have tasted the sweetness of triumph. The thrill that you get when you look back and see what you were able to accomplish. This is how we must face our trials. We must make the choice now, while in good times,{ a flat run} that we are not going to give up in the middle. We will climb the hill. It might not be fast, it may look ugly, but it will be conquered. Then we must surround ourselves with those that will help us along the way. Sister Dalton had her husband at her side as she ran that hill. We must also have someone by us lifting, cheering, reminding, encouraging and at times crying with us. Of course, there are trials in this life that we face alone. Things that we don't want to share, things that are private. We may not have a physical companion but do not think for one moment that Christ is not climbing that hill with you. He knows your heart ache, your pain, your suffering. He has cried tears for you. He has spilled blood from every pore for you, and he knows what is at the top of the hill. He knows the joy, the triumph, the sweetness, the absolute glory that can be found at the top of the hill. And He wants you to make it.
We are never along, we must not give up, we must not quit in the middle of the hill. It will get harder, no doubt about that. But how great will be your joy.
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